Pipa : Surinam Toad

Classification of Pipa : Surinam Toad

  • Phylum :- Chordata (Dorsal tubular nerve cord, notochord and gill-slits present.)
  • Group :- Craniata (Definite head, Cranium with brain present.)
  • Sub phylum :- Vertebrata (Vertebral column present.)
  • Division :- Gnathostomata (Jaws and paired appendages present.)
  • Super Class :- Tetrapoda (Paired limbs, lungs, cornified skin and bony skeleton.)
  • Class :- Amphibia (Cold blooded. Scaleless glandular skin. Can live in water and land. Two occipital condyles, Heart three chambered)
  • Order :- Anura or Salientia (Scaleless Amphibia. Tail, external gills and gill-silts absent. Both hind limbs and forelimbs well developed.)
  • Suborder :- Opisthocoela (Vertebrae opisthocoelous, ribs free.)
  • Family :- Discoglossidae (Tongue and eyelids present. Adults with ribs..)
  • Genus :- Pipa

Geographical distribution of Pipa : Surinam Toad

Commonly found in North as well as South America, Miocene.

Habit and habitat of Pipa : Surinam Toad

They are strictly aquatic.

General Characteristics of Pipa : Surinam Toad

  • Commonly known as Surinam toad.
  • Animal has shabby looks with a triangular and depressed head and large trunk. Head contains small eyes. Tongue and eyelids are absent.
  • Dermal papillae are present. Skin contains poison glands.
  • Forelimbs are small and papillae star-shaped, having sensory processes, while hind limbs are fully webbed.
  • Upper part of snout is produced into irregular flaps and tentacles. Jaws do not contain teeth, but have horny substitute.
  • Eustachian tube opens into pharynx.
  • Vertebrae opisthocoelous.

Special features of Pipa : Surinam Toad

  • The breeding habit is peculiar. Female toad shows parental care. During breeding season, the skin of female becomes soft. The male clasps the female and presses the female and eggs come out. The male also releases sperms which fertilize eggs. The fertilized eggs attach to the back of the female. Each egg is enclosed in a vascular pouch covered with operculum. The embryo develops yolk sac and vascular tail for exchange of metabolites. Gills are not formed and fully-developed young ones come out from the pouch. The female changes its back skin after the young escape.
Classification of Pipa : Surinam Toad

Identification of Pipa : Surinam Toad

Since this Anura contains small head and above features, hence it is Pipa americana.

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