Gyps bengalensis (Vulture)

Classification of Gyps bengalensis (Vulture)

  • Phylum :- Chordata (Dorsal tubular nerve cord, notochord and gill-slits present.)
  • Group :- Craniata (Definite head, Cranium with brain present.)
  • Sub phylum :- Vertebrata (Vertebral column present.)
  • Division :- Gnathostomata (Jaws and paired appendages present.)
  • Super Class :- Tetrapoda (Paired limbs, lungs, cornified skin and bony skeleton.)
  • Class :- Aves (Biped and feathered vertebrates.)
  • Sub Class :- Neornithes (True birds. Metacarpals fused.)
  • Super Order :- Neognathae (Modern birds. no teeth. sternum keeled.)
  • Order :- Falconiformes (Bill stout and hooked at tip.)
  • Genus :- Gyps
Classification of Gyps bengalensis (Vulture)

Geographical distribution

Gyps has cosmopolitan distribution. Eocene to Recent.

Habit and habitat

It is found throughout India in all types of places except humid forests. It lives singly or in gatherings or rabbles. It feeds on a variety of animals.

General Characteristics of Gyps bengalensis (Vulture)

  • Commonly called as Vulture.
  • It is dirty, blackish brown and repulsive-looking bird with massive body, very graceful and majestic when soaring and circling high up in the sky.
  • Flight is strong. White lower back visible when the bird is at rest or banks in flight.
  • Body is divided into head, neck, back and abdomen. breast and Head is naked and contains large eyes, beak or bill.
  • Behind head is short neck. Bill stout, hooked at the tip with soft naked cere at its base.
  • Mandible sharp edged. Beak adopted for tearing muscles from dead animals.
  • Feet usually adapted for grasping with sharp claws.
  • Vultures nest in large trees near the road or village sides.
  • At rest wings are folded over the trunk.

Special Features

Vultures are famous for their keen sight and they are of greatest usefulness to mankind as scavengers. Whenever their keen eyes detect a carcass, a large number of these birds collect from all sides and dispose off the flesh of the dead animal within a short period. It is difficult to drive them away. They make peculiar voice while gathering.

Classification of Gyps bengalensis (Vulture)
Image Source :- Pexels


Since this bird contains hooked beak, white back and above features, hence it is Gyps.

Classification of Gyps bengalensis (Vulture)

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