Classification of Pavo cristatus (Peacock)
- Phylum :- Chordata (Dorsal tubular nerve cord, notochord and gill-slits present.)
- Group :- Craniata (Definite head, Cranium with brain present.)
- Sub phylum :- Vertebrata (Vertebral column present.)
- Division :- Gnathostomata (Jaws and paired appendages present.)
- Super Class :- Tetrapoda (Paired limbs, lungs, cornified skin and bony skeleton.)
- Class :- Aves (Biped and feathered vertebrates.)
- Sub Class :- Neornithes (True birds. Metacarpals fused.)
- Super Order :- Neognathae (Modern birds. no teeth. sternum keeled.)
- Order :- Gallifonnes (Bill short, feathers with after shaft..)
- Genus :- Pavo
- Species :- cristatus

Geographical distribution
Pavo Cristatus Found in various localities of India. Eocene to Recent.
Habit and habitat
It inhabits dense scrub, jungle and forest, well provided with rivers and streams. They are shy birds. They feed on grains and vegetable shoots and often do severe harm to newly sown seeds. They also eat small reptiles and insects. It makes nests on ground.
General Characteristics of Pavo cristatus (Peacock)
- Commonly called as pea-fowl or peacock. In Hindi it is called as Mor or Mayur.
- It displays a well-marked sexual dimorphism. Body divided into head, neck, back: breast and abdomen.
- Head contains beak and eyes.
- Male bird is beautifully pigmented with fans-shaped crest; brilliant metallic blue head, neck and breast; with long trailing bronze green upper tail coverts ending in shining blue green purple bronze ‘eyes’ or ocellate.
- Tail measures 1.5 meters in length.
- Female is duller having lower neck metallic green instead of blue as in male, and lacks the ornamented tail.
- Feet adapted for scratching and running.
- Hind legs contain spur.
Special Features
The dance of the peacock with its gorgeous tail coverts spread like a fan is very famous. It dances especially on a cloudy and rainy day. It also produces ugly shrieking sound may-awe in morning, evening, moonlight and on cloudy days. It is the national bird of India.

Since this bird has characteristic feathers with eyes and above features, hence it is Pavo cristatus