Psittacula euparia (Parrot)

Classification of Psittacula euparia (Parrot)

  • Phylum :- Chordata (Dorsal tubular nerve cord, notochord and gill-slits present.)
  • Group :- Craniata (Definite head, Cranium with brain present.)
  • Sub phylum :- Vertebrata (Vertebral column present.)
  • Division :- Gnathostomata (Jaws and paired appendages present.)
  • Super Class :- Tetrapoda (Paired limbs, lungs, cornified skin and bony skeleton.)
  • Class :- Aves (Biped and feathered vertebrates.)
  • Sub Class :- Neornithes (True birds. Metacarpals fused.)
  • Super Order :- Neognathae (Modern birds. no teeth. sternum keeled.)
  • Order :- Psittacifonnes
  • Genus :- Psittacula
  • Species :- euparia
Classification of Psittacula euparia (Parrot)

Geographical distribution

Psittacula euparia is found in India, Pakistan, Myanmar, Sri Lanka and the United States. Eocene to Recent.

Habit and habitat

It is found on tall trees in flocks in city as well as in villages. It is also commonly found in the fruit trees, ripe crops and in jungles. Gregarious with loud voices. Feeds on fruits and crops.

General Characteristics of Psittacula euparia (Parrot)

  • Commonly called as Indian parakeet or parrot.
  • It has brilliant blue-green plumage with massive, deeply-hooked red bill and a distinct maroon patch on each shoulder. P. krameri has no shoulder patches, while P. cyanocephala has a bluish-red head and maroon shoulder patches.
  • Body is divisible into head, neck, back, breast and abdomen. Head contains eye, nostril and horny beaks.
  • Beak stout, narrow, sharp edged and hooked at the tip and adapted for fruit eating.
  • Upper mandible movable on frontal bone of skull. It is so articulated that its lowering automatically raises the upper beak, which is curved at the tip.
  • Feet adapted for grasping, holding and climbing. Foot zygodactylous in which I and IV digits are directed backwards and II and ill forward to provide a firm grip on the branch of the tree.
  • Tail feathers elongated. Maroon patches on wing feathers. Flight is graceful and voice powerful.
  • Female is green all over, but the male has a rose pink and black neck collar ring.
  • Nesting season December to April.

Special Features

Parrot is a popular domesticated cage bird, found almost in every home and it copies and speaks some words like man. It is a serious agricultural pest to the cultivators and food growers. It causes enormous harm to standing crops and ripening orchard fruits. It eats maize, pulse, groundnuts and sometimes does considerable damage in newly sown fields. Its voice is sharp, well familiar and screaming kee-ak, kee-ak, kee-ak, kee-ak.

Classification of Psittacula euparia (Parrot)
Image Source :- Pexels


Since this bird has green plumage and all above features, hence it is Psittacula

Classification of Psittacula euparia (Parrot)
Image Source :- Pexels

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