Classification of Talpa (Mole)

  • Phylum :- Chordata (Dorsal tubular nerve cord, notochord and gill-slits present.)
  • Group :- Craniata (Definite head, Cranium with brain present.)
  • Sub phylum :- Vertebrata (Vertebral column present.)
  • Division :- Gnathostomata (Jaws and paired appendages present.)
  • Super Class :- Tetrapoda (Paired limbs, lungs, cornified skin and bony skeleton.)
  • Class :- Mammalia (Body covered with hairs. Females have mammary glands.)
  • Sub Class :- Theria (Viviparous mammals.)
  • Infra Class :- Eutheria (Placental mammals. Vagina single.)
  • Order :- Insectivora (Feed on insects.)
  • Genus :- Talpa (Mole)
Classification of Talpa (Mole)

Geographical distribution

Talpa is found in India (Assam) and the western Himalayas. Cretaceous to Recent.

Habit and habitat

  • It is adapted for subterranean burrowing and lives in tunnels. It feeds on small worms, insects and sprouted seeds. It runs deeper into tunnels

General Characteristics of Talpa (Mole)

  • Commonly called as mole.
  • Pigmentation is uniformly velvet-black, with a silver-grey glossy texture.
  • Body measuring 15 cm in length, divided into head, short neck, trunk or back and abdomen.
  • Head wedge-shaped. Snout elongated having prenasal bone. Snout contains bristles or vibrisae at the tip.
  • Eyes are very much reduced and covered with skin. External ears (pinnae) absent.
  • Tail is short, sensory and without hair. Tail and feet are fleshy white.
  • Hind limb large and broad containing 5 digits, each having broad nail, used for digging.
  • Forelimb usually with 5 clawed-toes; inner toes not opposable.
  • No marsupial pouch. Single vagina. Foetus develops within the body of female attached by a placenta to wall of uterus.

Special Features

  • It represents a primitive Eutherian having small cranial cavity, low grade brain (smooth cerebral hemispheres), inguinal testes, discoidal and deciduate placenta with provision for yolk sac placenta.
Classification of Talpa (Mole)
Image Source :- Pexels


  • Since this mammal has elongated snout, wedge-shaped head and above features, hence it is Talpa.
Classification of Talpa (Mole)
Image Source :- Pexels

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