Classification of Manis (Scaly Anteater)

  • Phylum :- Chordata (Dorsal tubular nerve cord, notochord and gill-slits present.)
  • Group :- Craniata (Definite head, Cranium with brain present.)
  • Sub phylum :- Vertebrata (Vertebral column present.)
  • Division :- Gnathostomata (Jaws and paired appendages present.)
  • Super Class :- Tetrapoda (Paired limbs, lungs, cornified skin and bony skeleton.)
  • Class :- Mammalia (Body covered with hairs. Females have mammary glands.)
  • Sub Class :- Theria (Viviparous mammals.)
  • Infra Class :- Eutheria (Placental mammals. Vagina single.)
  • Order :- Pholidota (Body covered by large overlapping plates.)
  • Genus :- Manis

Geographical distribution

  • Manis is found in Africa and South Eastern Asia, India (Assam), Sikkim, Nepal and the Himalayas.

Habit and habitat

  • It is found in the hilly tracts. It is a nocturnal and burrowing mammal. It feeds on ants and termites whose nest is broken by its sharp fore-claws.

General Characteristics of Manis (Scaly Anteater)

  • Manis Commonly called as scaly anteater or pangolin.
  • Body measures about 90 cm in length and is divided into head, neck, trunk, tail and abdomen.
  • Body covered by imbricating thick horny, overlapping scales arranged in longitudinal rows.
  • Scales are thick and striated at the base, yellowish brown or clay coloured.
  • Between scales coarse hairs are found. Ventral body surface is covered with hairs.
  • Head small. Snout pointed. Teeth absent.
  • Eyes and pinnae small. Tongue long and glutinous.
  • Tail is long and broad prehensile contains 16-17 scales in each row.
  • Pangolins walk slowly with arched back and the forelimbs and anterior surface in contact with the ground. Limbs are strong and pentadactyle.
  • Forelimb povided with strong curved claws while hind limbs are plantygrade.
  • Pyloric stomach works like gizzard of birds, having small pebbles or stones in it and hence it is called as stone-eater or bajrokit.

Classification of Manis (Scaly Anteater)
Image Source :- IStock

Ecological Importance of Manis

  • Pest Control: Pangolins play an important role in ecosystems by controlling insect populations. They primarily feed on ants, termites, and other insects. By keeping these insect populations in check, they help maintain balance in their habitats. Pangolins consume large quantities of insects each day, preventing the overpopulation of pest species that could damage vegetation and crops.
  • Soil Aeration: While foraging for insects, pangolins also contribute to soil aeration. Their digging helps to loosen and mix the soil, which can improve soil fertility and encourage plant growth in some ecosystems.
  • Food Source for Predators: Pangolins are an important prey species for large carnivores, such as lions, leopards, and wild dogs, in some regions. This positions them as an integral part of the food web.
  • Ecosystem Engineers: Through their feeding and burrowing habits, pangolins also influence the structure of their habitats. Their burrows provide shelter for other animals, and their foraging behavior can help maintain the diversity of plant and insect life in the areas they inhabit.

Conservation Status of Manis

Endangered Species: All eight species of pangolins are threatened in some capacity, with many classified as Endangered or Critically Endangered. The IUCN Red List provides the following classifications:

  • Chinese Pangolin (Manis pentadactyla): Critically Endangered
  • Indian Pangolin (Manis crassicaudata): Endangered
  • Philippine Pangolin (Manis culionensis): Critically Endangered
  • Tree Pangolin (Manis tricuspis): Vulnerable
  • Black-bellied Pangolin (Manis tetradactyla): Vulnerable
  • White-bellied Pangolin (Manis tricuspis): Endangered
  • Ground Pangolin (Manis temminckii): Vulnerable
  • Giant Pangolin (Manis gigantea): Endangered

Poaching and Illegal Trade: Pangolins are often considered the most trafficked mammals in the world due to the demand for their meat, which is considered a delicacy in some parts of Asia, and their scales, which are used in traditional medicine. The illegal wildlife trade is the primary threat to pangolins, leading to sharp population declines across their native range.

Habitat Loss: In addition to poaching, pangolins also face threats from habitat destruction, particularly deforestation and agricultural expansion, which destroy their natural homes and food sources.

Conservation Efforts: Several international organizations, including the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES), have enacted protections to reduce illegal trade and raise awareness about pangolin conservation. Efforts to combat poaching and establish protected areas are ongoing in many countries.

Classification of Manis (Scaly Anteater)
Image Source :- IStock

Special Features

  • Unique Scales: The most distinctive feature of pangolins is their armor made of overlapping keratin scales, which are similar to those found in human nails and animal hooves. These scales protect pangolins from predators, though they are highly vulnerable to poaching due to the demand for pangolin scales.
  • Long, Sticky Tongue: Pangolins have an extremely long, sticky tongue that can extend far beyond their body length. This unique adaptation helps them feed on ants and termites, which they catch by inserting their tongue into narrow tunnels. They can extend their tongue up to 16 inches in some species.
  • No Teeth: Pangolins do not have teeth. Instead, they rely on their highly developed stomachs, which contain small stones or grit that help grind food after it is swallowed.
  • Solitary and Nocturnal: Pangolins are typically solitary creatures and are primarily nocturnal, foraging at night for food. They tend to avoid social interactions and are mostly active during the night, using their sharp claws to dig up ant mounds or termite nests.
  • Claws and Burrowing: Pangolins have strong, curved claws for digging. They use these claws to burrow into the ground, both to find food and to create shelters or hide from predators.


  • Since this mammal has distinct scales and above features, hence it is Manis.

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