Rhacophorus : Flying Frog

Classification of Rhacophorus : Flying Frog

  • Phylum :- Chordata (Dorsal tubular nerve cord, notochord and gill-slits present.)
  • Group :- Craniata (Definite head, Cranium with brain present.)
  • Sub phylum :- Vertebrata (Vertebral column present.)
  • Division :- Gnathostomata (Jaws and paired appendages present.)
  • Super Class :- Tetrapoda (Paired limbs, lungs, cornified skin and bony skeleton.)
  • Class :- Amphibia (Cold blooded. Scaleless glandular skin. Can live in water and land. Two occipital condyles, Heart three chambered)
  • Order :- Anura or Salientia (Scaleless Amphibia. Tail, external gills and gill-silts absent. Both hind limbs and forelimbs well developed.)
  • Suborder :- Diplasiocoela (First 7 vertebrae procoelus 8th amphicoelus and 9th contains 2 condyles.)
  • Family :- Rhacophoridae
  • Genus :- Rhacophorus
Classification of Rhacophorus : Flying Frog

Geographical distribution

The tree frogs or flying frogs are found in Africa, South Eastern Asia, Japan and Madagascar. Miocene.

Habit and habitat

Rhacophorus is a tree-living frog. It remains calm and quiet under stones or on trees and comes out during twilight. It has power of rapid colour changing.

General Characteristics of Rhacophorus : Flying Frog

  • Commonly known as flying frog or tree frog.
  • Body slender, divided into head and trunk. Belly narrows posteriorly. Females larger than males.
  • Head broad and somewhat conical containing eye lids. Eyelids well developed. Tympanum behind eyes.
  • Limbs elongated and contain well developed webs in digits which also bear adhesive cushions at tips. Digits of hind limbs also contain intercalary cartilages.
  • The flying frogs climb on trees and walls and occasionally glide and while alighting on ground, the webs are spread like parachute.
  • Eggs laid usually in gelatinous foam over shallow water of pools and rice fields.

Special features

  • Rhacophorus shows extreme degree of adaptive radiation in frogs as it has acquired the power of flying or parachuting while alighting from trees. It shows parental care. Rhacophorus schlegeli has evolved a novel technique to care for its eggs. The copulating males and females burrow deep into the ground on the bank of the standing pond. Eggs are laid in froth and parents retire through a tunnel they dig behind which slopes down to open in pond. The froth settles down and turns into a fluid shortly before larvae hatch and slip into the pond.
Classification of Rhacophorus : Flying Frog


Since this Anura contains well developed webs and above features, hence it is Rhacophorus.

Classification of Rhacophorus : Flying Frog

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