Classification of Saccoglossus

  • Phylum :- Hemichordata (Marine, enterocoelous coelomate. Notochord confined to head region)
  • Class :- Enteropneusta (Several gill-slits, intestine straight, solitary.)
  • Family :- Harrimaniidae 
  • Genus :- Saccoglossus
Classification of Saccoglossus

Geographical distribution of Saccoglossus

It is found in New Zealand, Australia, Indopacific and Atlantic coasts and North America.

Habit and Habitat

It is marine, burrowing and tubicolous animal. These burrow in sand flats near low tide, line, living in semipermanent tunnels lined with mucous secretions. The mouth, which apparently cannot be closed, lies ventrally between the proboscis and collar. As the worm burrows much of the sand is swallowed.

Characteristics of Saccoglossus

  • It is vermiform hemichordate.
  • Body regionated into proboscis (prosoma) collar (mesosoma) and trunk. (metasoma).
  • Proboscis is exceptionally longer than any other enteropneust.
  • Collar slightly overhangs the beginning of trunk, covering three of four gill-slits. Trunk is differentiated into three regions. In the anterior part numerous pairs of gill-slits open externally near the mid-dorsal line.
  • Middle part has gonads which are grey in female and yellow in male.
  • Posterior region has only posterior part of intestine and tapers gradually to anus.
  • Hepatic sacculations and genital ridges.
  • So well developed in Balanoglossus, are absent.
  • Synapticulae are absent in pharynx and such tongue bars hang freely in gill-slits. Its affinites etc., are similar to those of Balanoglossus.


Since the specimen has long proboscis and all above features, hence it is Saccoglossus.

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