Classification of Stegostoma : Tiger Shark
- Phylum :- Chordata (Dorsal tubular nerve cord, notochord and gill-slits present.)
- Group :- Craniata (Cranium with brain present.)
- Sub phylum :- Vertebrata (Vertebral column present.)
- Division :- Gnathostomata (Jaws and paired appendages present.)
- Super Class :- Pisces (Paired fins, gills and skin with scales.)
- Class :- Chondrichthyes (=Elasmobranchii)
- Order :- Pleurotremata(=squali)
- Family :- Scyllidae
- Genus :- Stegostoma : Tiger Shark

Geographical distribution of Stegostoma : Tiger Shark
Stegostoma is abundantly found in the Indian Ocean. Lower Carboniferous to Recent.
Habit and habitat of Stegostoma : Tiger Shark
Stegostoma is found in open water. It is an active swimmer and predaceous. It feeds on crabs, fishes and turtles, etc.
General Characteristics of Stegostoma : Tiger Shark
- Stegostoma is commonly called as Tiger shark or Zebra shark because of the handsome and brilliant colouration of dark stripes over yellow ground.
- Coloured stripes of anterior region are very distinct.
- It measures 3 to 5 metres in length. Body is elongated, laterally compressed and regionated into head, trunk and tail.
- Head as long as broad, snout reduced.
- Transverse ventral mouth is found under the surface of the head.
- Eyes lateral, without nictitating membrane.
- Spiracles distinct, present behind the eyes.
- Gill-slits 5 pairs in lateral position.
- Fins are first dorsal fin, second dorsal fin, paired pectoral and pelvic rm, anal fin and caudal fin.
- Tail heterocercal.
Special features
Tiger shark is viviparous. It is also a nuisance to fisheries because it destroys small fishes. Tiger or Zebra shark is famous for its brilliant colouration and ferocious attack.

Since this fish has coloured stripes and above features, hence it is Stegostoma.

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