Classification of Rhabdopleura

  • Phylum :- Hemichordata (Marine, enterocoelous coelomate. Notochord confined to head region)
  • Class :- Pterobranchia (Small hemichordates with encased body. V-shaped intestine.)
  • Order :- Rhabdopleurida (Colonial, no gill-slits; 1 gonad)
  • Genus :- Rhabdopleura

Geographical distribution of Rhabdopleura

  • It is mainly found in southern hemisphere especially resported from Norway and Ireland coasts.

Habit and Habitat

It is a marine and colonial hemichordate, found 5 to 6 meters deep. The colony is formed on hard substratum and also in association with mollusc shells, bryozoans and tunicates.

Characteristics of Rhabdopleura

  • Colony consists of zooids enclosed into erect tubes which are much more elongated than zooids.
  • Colony contains erect coenoecium extended zooids, contractile stalk, decumbent coenoecium, retracted zooids, pectocaulus and young buds.
  • Each zooid is composed of stalk, trunk sac, oral lamella, pigment stripe, cephalic shield, arms and tentacles.
  • There is a lophophore with one pair of arms, one gonad, but without gill-slits. Alimentary canal is V-shaped.
  • Most of the zooids are sterile, but male and female specimens may be observe.
  • Sexes united.
  • Development includes a free-swimming larva.
  • Zooids are formed by budding, but the buds do not break off from the stolon and remain permanently attached to form a colony.

Special features

It is a colonial hemichordate with organic continuity between individuals that are produced by a sexual budding from one individual.


Since the specimen contains extended zooids and all above features, hence it is Rhabdopleura.

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